Content On Demand
I know you’re busy, so I’m giving you the freedom to access the program when and where it suits you! You can also revisit all the modules to embed key ideas and deepen your understanding.
All lessons come with a pdf workbook containing the transcripts, activity sheets and extra resources. These are designed to help you get the most out of the program by reinforcing your key learnings through practice and application.
Online Learning Portal
Access all your program materials in one place so you can easily navigate through the content and be more effective!
Weekly Live Group Coaching Sessions (additional service)
Organisations looking to arrange an in-house program just for their employee cohort can add in group coaching sessions as an additional service to the program. Each week, we’ll unpack the modules and discuss how you can apply them in your leadership and start seeing results immediately! I’ll run these sessions and you’ll get an opportunity to ask questions at the end.